Real Time Rendering: 4 Benefits for Builders & Designers


Real time rendering has been around for a while. Ever play a video game? Then you’ve seen real-time rendering in action! Although it began in the gaming industry, real-time 3D rendering is now making its way into other industries like home design, interior decorating, and even landscaping.

So what is real time rendering anyway? Why should you as a housing professional consider adding 3D renderings to your workflow? And is this just something reserved for huge architectural firms with big budgets, or are there easy-to-use software options for smaller companies too?

In this 5-minute read, you’ll learn everything you need to know. Let’s get started with that first question.

What Is Real Time Rendering?

Real-time rendering is the seemingly instantaneous creation of an interactive 3D scene. You can move through and edit a 3D scene almost like you’re creating a computer animated movie in real-time.

Let’s say you have a 3D home design and you want to show your clients the kitchen. Real time rendering software will let you look down at the flooring, up at the cabinets, and then move into the dining room, all without having to stop and let the computer work for several seconds (or minutes) to load the next view.

In the past, computers needed several minutes or even days to create a single rendered image. But now with faster technology and cloud-based software, real-time rendering is available to just about anyone. That’s why more and more home builders, remodelers, and interior designers are adding it to their workflow.

Keep going to find out more about what real time rendering software can do for you and your business.

What Can Real Time Rendering Software Do?

So how can a real-time 3D visualization help you impress a potential client?

Offer a bird’s-eye view

A 3D view from above lets your clients see the project layout with furniture, floor and wall covering materials, color schemes, and decorations. This view quickly gives them a better idea of the overall look and flow of the space.

3D floor plan designed with Cedreo

Help with space planning

Real-time rendering software provides interactive 3D views that immediately show the layout and spacing. For example, with Cedreo, as you plan your space and add furniture, you instantly see the changes in the 3D render. It’s never been easier for clients to make final decisions on furniture layouts and project scope.

3D floor plan designed with Cedreo

Illustrate lighting effects

Create a real time render that shows your clients how their space will look at different times of the day. Make adjustments to show both natural and artificial light. And with software like Cedreo, you can even control the sun’s orientation to illustrate how sunlight will illuminate each room in the house.

3D render generated with Cedreo

Show lifelike exteriors

Modern architectural rendering programs make this easier than ever. Quickly add people, vehicles, pets, playgrounds, greenery, and hardscapes, according to your clients’ tastes. When they feel like they’re already living in their completed project, it’s easier for them to say “Yes!” to your proposal.

3D rendering generated with Cedreo

What Are the Professional Benefits of Real Time Rendering?

Is real time rendering really worth it for you as a housing professional? Yes! Add it to your workflow and reap these four huge benefits almost immediately:

Immediate design feedback

With real time 3D rendering, you can quickly test ideas and immediately get a feel for the finished project. This is especially true with home design programs like Cedreo.

Cedreo lets you work in 2D and 3D simultaneously. Switch out materials, change furniture layouts, and even move walls. The 3D plan is updated in real time so you get instant design feedback.

Fewer miscommunications

An interactive 3D visualization quickly and accurately helps your clients understand what you’re proposing. That means they’ll be able to provide better feedback about what they like or don’t like. Then, make changes based on their feedback, show them the real time updated 3D views, and they’ll make better design decisions faster than ever.

Guidance for builders

Although builders will always need some 2D technical plans, 3D plans consistently help improve efficiency across an entire building team. Just like they improve communication with clients, 3D renderings ensure your entire team is on the same page regarding how all the building elements should come together.

A stronger portfolio

Professional 3D renderings give you a competitive edge over your competitors. Beef up your portfolio with photorealistic graphics, and you’ll stand out as a professional while earning the trust of potential clients.

Adding realistic visualizations to your portfolio can also help boost your conversions. 3D renderings are to home design what home staging is to real estate. The realistic details you add to the 3D plans to “stage” the virtual project will help you close deals faster.

What Are the Challenges of Real Time Rendering?

So, you might be thinking, “That all sounds nice, but how easy is it to add this to my company’s workflow?”

There are some challenges. But fortunately, the best rendering programs tackle them head-on, so it’s easier for you to get started.

Here are three of the most common challenges with real time rendering software:

Complicated interface

Most 3D CAD and BIM platforms are not entry-level programs.. And for many residential home builders, remodelers, and interior designers, CAD and BIM toolsets are overkill, to say the least.

Some programs seem simple to start out with, but you soon realize you need to purchase add-ons or learn extra programs to get 3D rendering capabilities.

Fortunately, some modern programs like Cedreo were created specifically for housing professionals who want real-time renderings without the lengthy onboarding process of traditional software.


For smaller firms and solo designers, most real-time rendering software is simply too expensive. This is especially true when it works as an add-on for another home design platform you’re already paying for. And if you prefer to contract someone else to do the renderings for you, the costs increase even further.

That’s why more professionals are switching to programs like Cedreo that let you keep all your designing in-house, without breaking the bank.


Complicated 3D modeling programs can take months to learn. And outsourcing the rendering work complicates your workflow unnecessarily — updating the designs based on client feedback becomes a painfully long process of back-and-forth between you, the client, and the 3D rendering expert.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a program that was easy to learn, budget-friendly, and actually saved you time?

Start Using Real Time Renderings Today

Add real time 3d renderings to your workflow starting today! No, you don’t need to buy complicated software or hire a visual effects expert.

You just need Cedreo.

Cedreo was engineered for housing professionals like you. It’s got real time 3D rendering capabilities that actually save you time and streamline your entire design process. No other program lets you go from a blank project to a fully furnished home complete with 2D plans and 3D renderings in just a few hours.

Our powerful tools are easy to use, even with limited design experience. And if you ever need assistance, Cedreo offers learning tutorials and world-class support that’s ready to help you succeed.

With the option to start with a free trial, what are you waiting for? Start using Cedreo today and see the difference it makes for your next project!