Strong Social Media Marketing Strategies for Home Builders


Homeowners spend a lot of time on social media. A lot. And research shows that, like all social media users, the time they spend on these apps influences their shopping habits. As a general contractor, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest marketing trends, this includes social media marketing.

With approximately 98 percent of social media users planning to make purchases based on social media influences in the future, it’s a good idea to start including social media as a part of your marketing strategy.

In this article, we’ll cover strong social media marketing strategies for home builders. Keep reading to connect to your ideal customers online.

Why Social Media is an Effective Marketing Tool

Social media is the future of e-commerce. It is where the majority of phone users spend their time, with social photo and video apps being the most popular.

There are many things that make social media an ideal marketing tool, including its ability to connect to a target audience, gather real-time feedback about marketing materials and services, create a brand voice, and build a loyal customer base.

Social media is especially beneficial for home buyers as it offers the ability to showcase photos and videos of completed projects while amplifying a powerful marketing tool: social proof.

Tips for Successful Social Media Marketing

Here are some tips for general contractors trying to build a following on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.

Share Photos, Videos, and 3D Renderings

Visual social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Pinterest are excellent places to show off your skills and craftsmanship.

Use Instagram and TikTok to show dramatic transformations through before and after carousels. Create reels and videos of completed home tours, and use the captions to highlight quotes from testimonials.

Create comprehensive tour videos, tutorials on basic home repairs, and home maintenance advice videos on YouTube. And on Pinterest, showcase your best designs in professionally edited photo pins that link back to your website.

Another option for sharing visual content is to share 3D renderings of your ideal projects. Cloud-based design software like Cedreo allows home builders to create stunning 3D visualizations of home renovation plans in under two hours. These images are a great way to attract clients who are looking for the type of projects you most want to complete, especially if you’re just starting to market your business.

Visit the website to sign up and start using the free version of Cedreo today.

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Insta post example 02

Ask Questions

Social media provides a unique opportunity to communicate directly with your ideal clients. Ask questions to get a deeper understanding of your audience, or to start a conversation.

Some ideas for questions are below:

  • What obstacles stand between you and your dream home?
  • What do you want to know about home renovations?
  • What current home trends are most exciting to you?
  • What style of decor do you prefer?
  • What is your must-have in a custom bathroom?
  • What does your dream bedroom look like?

Potential customers who answer these questions are providing you with valuable data and opportunities. Use this data to customize your services and target your marketing efforts more accurately in the future.

It also has the added benefit of increasing engagement. Most social media apps are algorithm-based. Algorithms consider engagement rates when deciding which posts to promote. A better engagement rate can also show potential customers that others are interested in your content, making them much more likely to like or follow.

Host Giveaways

Everyone loves freebies! Giveaways are a great opportunity to boost your engagement and reach new potential customers.

This doesn’t mean you need to break the bank by giving massive discounts away, but even smaller prizes can attract a lot of people.

Here are some ideas for giveaways:

  • Home decor pieces such as lamps, picture frames, or house plants
  • Home comfort essentials such as blankets, slippers, or towels
  • Discounted services

Monthly local business partnerships will allow you to facilitate bigger giveaways. A local furniture store, paint store, or landscaping company might be willing to offer discounts or freebies in exchange for the promotion.

Become a Thought Leader

As a best practice, it’s important to always ensure the content you share on social media is valuable.

What does “valuable” mean? Typically, valuable content is content that is:


  • Entertaining
  • Inspiring
  • Informative

Essentially, every post should be an attempt to add value to the lives of your followers. If your Instagram posts are all promotional, there’s a good chance many potential followers will be turned off and never engage with your content.

So, try to develop a personal brand that is motivated by a desire to provide free value to your followers. Create how-to videos, and informative blog posts, and share funny memes about home ownership. This will keep your audience engaged and appreciative.

Use Live Streaming

Live streaming is a great strategy for algorithmic success, and it also allows followers to engage with you directly. By going live, you offer your audience a glimpse into your daily life and the potential to get live answers to their questions about your services.

Similar to live streaming is sharing stories. While stories aren’t technically “live”, they are more immediate, current, and intimate. They also allow you to engage with an audience via stickers, polls, and questions.

Share the Homebuilding Experience from a Homeowners POV

It’s important to remember that your followers and customers are homeowners, not home builders. So sharing the experiences of past customers is a great way to use social proof while giving your customers a perspective they can relate to.

Use Cedreo for Construction Social Media Marketing

Whether you’re using social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, or you want to build an audience by creating and sharing valuable information on YouTube, it all starts with a solid social media marketing strategy.

Hopefully, this list provided you with guidance on how to connect to potential clients on social media, so you can land more sales and get more people into their dream homes.

Cedreo is the 3D design software that helps building professionals improve client relations, increase sales, and establish a professional reputation. Sign up to start using the free version of Cedreo today.