Real Estate Video Marketing Ideas for Homebuilders


For homebuilders in the real estate industry, the value of video marketing cannot be understated. Studies have shown a drastic increase in customer inspiration and engagement as a result of video ads.

This impact can be felt strongly in the real estate industry as agents have reported 403% more inquiries for listings with videos than those without. This is because video content allows customers to get a stronger sense of the space for sale.

When done correctly, a video can evoke strong emotion and desire, which will inspire more action from your target audience of homebuyers.

If you’re looking for the best ROI for marketing your real estate projects, keep reading to see our list of real estate video marketing ideas for homebuilders.

Videos Homebuilders can use for Real Estate Marketing

From short-form video ads to long, informative video guides—whatever you choose to create, your audience is sure to love it.

Virtual House Tours

Virtual house tours allow potential homebuyers to experience the feeling of walking through a space without stepping through the door. These can target a specific prospective buyer or be designed to entertain and build an audience. While both have their value, there are a few reasons to decide on one over the other.

Virtual house tours designed to target specific demographics—young families or retirees, for example—can illustrate why and how the property being toured can solve demographic-specific pain points. The subject giving the tour should be in line with the target audience and should use the tour to paint the picture of how the home meets their unique needs. For example, young families may be concerned about yard space, so the tour should have a section on that feature.

If you’re trying to build a social media following, consider creating more general home tours. The hashtag #hometours is always popular on apps like TikTok and Instagram. Additionally, videos that perform well on these apps tend to get repurposed onto Pinterest, where they will continue to direct traffic to your digital platform for a long time.

House tours focused on platform growth should provide value by entertaining, informing, or inspiring your audience. You can do this by featuring a unique selling point—such as an in-home library or vintage decor—or by providing valuable information such as an example price breakdown of closing costs on a specific property in your city.

Some ideas for entertaining house tour videos are below:

  • Luxury property: “Look inside this 7.5 million dollar property that takes 40 minutes to walk across”
  • Extreme budget builds: “This Iowa man built his dream home for less than 20% of the market price”
  • Unconventional homes such as tiny houses or houseboats: “This houseboat on the Olympic Coast has a hot tub on the main deck”
  • Cottages and cabins: “Step inside a massive A-frame in the Adirondacks that makes this New Yorker $200,000 per year on AirBnB”
  • Homes with a unique story or history: “Haunted house tour in Columbus, OH”
  • Homes with unique architecture: “This Delaware family has a ‘bounce room’ inside their house”
  • Location-specific homes: “Here’s what $500,000 can get you in Austin, TX”
  • Success stories: “She paid off $150,000 in student debt and bought this Chicago condo in under 5 years”
  • Unique decor: “Wisconsin woman obsessed with Elvis designed this unique time-capsule home in Madison”

New Construction 3D Model Video Tours

Imagine a sales tool that could transport prospective buyers into a home that hasn’t even been built yet. Explore each room, modify furnishings to suit their preferences, and give them the chance to experience a taste of life in their future home. That’s the power of 3D design software.

3D model video tours allow housing professionals to display layout and design proposals to buyers looking for new builds. They can use these videos in buyer meetings, on their websites, and on social media to increase inquiries related to the properties for sale.

Cedreo provides all the tools home building professionals need to create photorealistic 3D renderings of their designs to show to clients and prospective buyers. Equipped with customizable furnishings, features, surface coverings, lighting settings, and more, Cedreo has everything a professional needs to create stunning 3D model tour videos for their new construction builds.

Crafstman house designed with Cedreo
3D rendering of amaster bedroom designed with Cedreo

Neighborhood Videos

Neighborhoods are a large part of what attracts buyers to specific properties, so when home builders are developing their real estate video marketing strategies, they are selling the property as well as the community in which the property is located.

Neighborhood tours help prospective buyers get a sense of the type of lifestyle they can expect to live if they purchase your property. Using a combination of local business reviews, neighborhood tours, drone footage, and community highlights, you can help buyers feel at home before they even move in.

Another benefit of creating stunning, value-packed neighborhood videos is that they are considered evergreen content. They can be used for years and repurposed to market every property you list in that neighborhood.

For home builders, this means it’s worth investing in making this video especially high-quality. Consider your ideal buyer and what they may be interested in. Then, design your video around these needs.

Some possible features to highlight in your neighborhood video include:

  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Green spaces
  • Restaurants
  • Community centers
  • Access to transportation
  • Proximity to landmarks
  • Community statistics
  • Population demographics

There are many attractive features that are more specific to individual buyers, so be sure to include the features that will be most important to the buyers you want to attract.

Homebuyer Advice

Providing valuable information free of cost to your audience will help establish trust in your competency as a professional, therefore increasing the likelihood of buyers feeling confident enough to work with you.

Homebuyer advice videos also work to attract organic traffic to your website. As prospective homebuyers search for information about buying a home in your area, they will find your videos and are more likely to travel to your website to view your listings.

Maximize the value of your advice videos by answering questions that homebuyers in your area are asking. The following are a few ideas for advice videos:

  • Repurposed blog post content
  • Listicles
  • How-to videos
  • Insider secrets
  • Common mistakes
  • Housing market updates

Listing Videos

As the most prevalent types of real estate video, we likely don’t have to explain the massive impact of a well-executed listing video. The advantages of creating beautiful listing videos for your properties include faster sale times, more competitive offers, and the ability to establish a professional reputation among your audience.

While there is no substitute for a professionally-shot listing video, homebuilders can create their own beautiful videos using the wide variety of apps and software available to the public.

Great listing videos typically showcase neighborhood highlights as well, so be sure to include footage of the most attractive features of the area your property is located in—community highlights such as desirable schools and transit scores, or aerial footage of attractions and green spaces will help your property stand out.

Interview Videos

As one of the best forms of social proof, word of mouth has a powerful impact on audiences across all industries. This is especially true in real estate. For this reason, interview videos with buyers in the neighborhood, industry experts, local business people, and neighbors in the community can increase your ability to convince potential buyers of the desirability of a particular property or neighborhood.

The best part about these videos is that they are easy to make. The interviewee should do the majority of the talking. Your job is to ask questions and edit the video to ensure it remains relevant and concise.

Include Videos in Your Real Estate Market Strategy

Whether you’re looking to use short-form video on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, or you want to build a valuable network of information for homebuyers on YouTube, it all starts with a list of video ideas.

We hope this list helps you find new ways to communicate with potential homebuyers so you can increase sales and help people find their dream homes.

Cedreo is the 3D design software that helps building professionals improve client relations, increase sales, and establish a professional reputation. Sign up to start using the free version of Cedreo today.