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How to Design 3D Window Visualizations Online


In almost every room of a home, you’ll find windows—and they’re often forgotten in the overall planning process.

Regardless of the type of remodeling project you have in mind, understanding proper window placement is critical. Using window visualizer software, you can quickly plan and create 3D designs to give you a clearer picture of what you’re building.

For interior designers, contractors and other professionals, it’s essential to create polished 3D renders to give clients a comprehensive look into designs.

This article will explore window visualizer software to help you understand the power of design platforms like Cedreo.

The Value of a Window Visualization Software

While there are dozens of 3D window design platforms, finding the right one can feel like a challenge.

The right option for window designer software will be able to capture all your design elements and offer clean and crisp 3D imaging to visualize your project. To get you started finding the right software option, here are some benefits of window visualizer software:

  • Simplify the design process with easy-to-use tools
  • Boost sales with client-ready 3D imagery
  • Work faster with integrated tools and design modules
  • Get cost estimation for better budget control

Whether you’re a home builder or an interior designer, the right software can help you generate 3D designs in minutes—saving you and your client time and money.

3D rendering of a farmhouse designed with Cedreo

Window design is trickier than most people think. Here are a few key areas where planning software can help:

  • Assessing your surroundings—the right software will help you map out the property and find locations where window placement is optimized.
  • Letting in the light—some software options offer controls for lighting, giving you a realistic perspective on how the sun might come in through the windows.
  • Designing for a view—you can bring in the beauty of the natural world by carefully planning windows to frame outdoor areas.
  • Considering a room’s purpose—there are many rooms in a home. With design software, you can make careful considerations based on room purpose and shape.
  • Ventilation considerations—a window is also great for letting in fresh air. A design platform can help you understand the correct placement for optimized ventilation.
3D visual of a modern living room designed with Cedreo

These are just a few areas of window design where window visualization software comes in handy. 

Software options can also help you control your budget. Since replacing windows can cost anywhere from $300 to $1500 per window, it’s important to fully understand costs so you don’t surprise yourself or your client.

With a design platform, you can keep track of all the windows in the home. Some software options, like Cedreo, provide cost estimates based on project specifications.

3D Window Design Examples

Okay, now that you have a brief overview of why window visualization software is critical to your project, how can you use it?

Below, we’ll explore some common window design ideas to help you get creative:

  • Novel shapes can be a great way to add some variety to a space but use them sparingly.
  • Landscape, or horizontal, window orientation is a great way to create some space in a small home.
  • Portrait, or vertical, window configurations are perfect for high walls and work well with more traditional-styled homes.
  • Casement windows are great for enhanced airflow and ease of access.
  • Picture windows offer great visibility but at the sacrifice of usability since they are hard, if not impossible, to open.
  • Bay and bow windows bring in tons of natural light but can be difficult to install.
  • Transom windows let you add a bit more style and design to your project.
Front facade of a colonial house designed with Cedreo

Remember that window design is part practical and part creative. You want to make sure you’re optimizing for things like airflow and natural light accessibility while still keeping up with overall design themes. 

This makes design software the preferred choice relative to more traditional paper-based methods.

Also, when shopping for new windows, consider energy efficiency. The right window choice can help your client save on energy costs.

Simplify Window Design With Cedreo

With window visualizer software, you can create optimized designs for your client in minutes. The right software choice will help you determine the proper placement, window type and other important design details.

Cedreo helps everyone, from professional designers to DIYers, make the most out of the design process.

With easy-to-use 3D tools, window design is simplified.If you’re interested in leveraging the latest in 3D window design tools, get started with your free trial of Cedreo today.