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3D Product Visualization: 4 Benefits for Construction Product Providers


Of all the senses, humans tend to be influenced most by what we see. The right images create strong emotional connections and help us understand concepts faster than text alone.

As the old saying goes… a picture really is worth a thousand words (probably more like 10,000!)

That’s why 3D product visualization has become such an important part of modern businesses — even construction product providers. So whether you’re a/an…

  • Interior decorator
  • Furniture company
  • Lighting manufacturer
  • Architect
  • Or Home builder

…product visualization NEEDS to be part of your business.

Why is it so important? And how can you use product visualization software to take your business to the next level?

Find out in this 5-minute read!

What is Product Visualization?

Product visualization shows a 3D model of a product placed in a realistic virtual environment. Most businesses do this with 3D images that show the product from a variety of angles.

For example, maybe you’re a lighting manufacturer who wants to sell a new product. So instead of showing 2D schematics, you show realistic 3D images of the lighting fixture installed inside a virtual home.

A 3D visualization like that is a much more effective way to showcase your product. This in turn leads to higher conversions, more sales, and happier customers.

So how can you start creating visualizations like that? Check out the next section.

How to Create 3D Product Visualizations

The best construction product visualizations showcase a product in a normal environment, like a finished home. So that means the foundation of a 3D visualization is a 3D home design.

Here are 2 ways you can get custom 3D home designs.

1. Outsource floor plans

A lot of small businesses choose to outsource their 3D floor plans. That’s especially true for businesses that don’t already have an in-house design team.

While this can produce some high-quality renderings, it usually takes a lot more time to get a result you’re happy with. Plus, hiring a 3D design firm can be expensive.

That’s why a lot opt for the 2nd option.

2. Use simple home design software

Creating 3D home renderings for product visualization used to be a complicated process. But now, with modern home design software like Cedreo, that process is surprisingly simple. That means even if you don’t have an in-house home design team, you can still create realistic renderings to showcase your products.

Remember that example of the lighting fixture? With a program like Cedreo, you can create an entire 3D home in just 2 hours. Then showcase your light fixture in the bathroom, kitchen, or bedroom so customers can visualize the product in different areas of the home.

3D render of a diningroom designed with Cedreo
3D visual of a master bedroom designed with Cedreo
3D rendering of a living room designed with Cedreo
3D render of a kitchen designed With Cedreo

The Benefits of 3D Product Visualizations for Product Providers

Check out these 5 reasons why you should start using 3D product visualizations to promote your products.

Stand out from the competition

A lot of small businesses struggle to keep up with new technological trends like 3D visualizations. A lot still rely on simple drawings, text descriptions, or basic product photos.

So if you can start displaying your products in realistic 3D environments, your business will quickly stand out from the competition.

Personalized Customer Experience

More and more customers expect a personalized experience. And according to one report, personalization leads to more impulse buys and a higher percentage (44% to be exact) of customers becoming repeat buyers. Plus, buyers will usually pay more money for a personalized experience.

This is another reason why having your own product visualization software is a huge plus. With your own software, It’s a lot easier to adapt your designs on the fly based on client feedback. And it’s also more cost-effective to include several design variations in your product descriptions.

For example, maybe your business is trying to sell high-end kitchen cabinets. With a program like Cedreo, you can quickly create a 3D mockup of the client’s kitchen to help them visualize the product once it’s installed.

Increased Collaboration

Since high-quality product visualizations are an effective communication tool, they help streamline collaboration. This is especially true when planning a project with a lot of moving parts.

For example, if you’re an interior designer, you need to collaborate with architects, decorators, suppliers, and clients. You need to receive, share, and implement their feedback on different products and how they’ll work in the final design.

With a customizable design created in a cloud-based program like Cedreo, it’s easy to mix and match different products and other design elements. Then based on feedback, you can quickly edit the designs anywhere you have a laptop and wifi.

All of this helps you reach an end result your client loves as fast as possible.

Cut Costs

Most successful home goods, furniture, or remodeling businesses have a showroom. And that’s because people are more likely to purchase a product if they’ve seen it used in real life. But showrooms are expensive and not a viable option for most small businesses.

Fortunately, product visualizations give you a sort of “virtual showroom” — a 3D place to showcase your products. Plus, since it’s a virtual space you can edit anytime you want, it’s easier to customize your visualizations to appeal to specific clients.

And with simple and cost-effective home design software like Cedreo, you can finally create 3D virtual showrooms yourself at a fraction of the cost of hiring outside firms.

Increase Sales

A personalized experience. Better collaboration. Standing out from the competition. Add it all together and what do you get?

Increased sales!

That’s right, 3D visualizations are one of the best ways to increase conversions. Remember, high-quality visualizations help clients understand your products and create strong emotional connections. That combination smooths out speed bumps in the sales process so customers are more likely to hit “buy”!

Add 3D Visuals to Your Sales Process

More sales. Happier clients. Lower costs. There are so many benefits to adding 3D product visualizations to your sales process.

So why not start today!

If you’re looking for a way to create 3D environments where you can showcase your construction and housing products, go with Cedreo.

No other program makes it so easy for businesses to create 3D floor plans and renderings. Most can create an entire 3D home in just 2 hours — no design experience necessary.

  • Create reusable projects you can customize for specific products or clients
  • HD renderings only take 5 minutes to produce
  • Customize things like lighting and sun orientation for realistic details
  • Download images in common formats that are easy to post to your website
  • Easy team collaboration with the Enterprise plan

With a FREE trial, you’ve got nothing to lose. Start using Cedreo today!